Monday, November 15, 2010

Simple is Better

What if they are wrong, they've lived good lives, eaten good food, had good times and been productive people with good friends; what's the problem with that?  But for you, if you believe them wrong, what are you going to do if they are right?  Consider carefully that you may not know everything that you believe that you do, and that some things may be outside your realm of knowledge.  Is that possible?  It is only the most arrogant of arrogant people who would dare claim they were all knowing, and the truly brilliant and truly intellectual, know that they don't now and never will know, all they need to.  After this short paragraph, and the video, there will be one more question, and that one is from the heart, here is, Plato's challenge...

Someone once contended that on the basis of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and freedom of expression, if you were to yell "FIRE" at the top of your lungs in a fully crowded theater, theoretically, you'd be correct, but really, you'd also be responsible for every person who charged out and injured themselves doing so. It's known as a conundrum of sorts, and so is the question regarding a reasonable person, who knows they don't know everything there is to know, that possibly some things are beyond them, yet they insist, that God cannot exist? That's a conundrum of an entirely different dimension. What about you, do you believe God exists?

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