Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Simple Call To Worship

"Oh God, we know not what the future holds, but we know You hold that future, and because of Jesus, we know that Your love is real, we have seen that love which You have chosen to show to us, through Him.  We thank You God for that fact of the sacrifice, for the Word and for the insight of the Holy Spirit which tells us that Word became flesh and dwelt among us, today God we choose to trust You, and to trust that You are love." -Amen 

Read this morning where the head of British Petroleum says that he is devastated by the oil spill.  What would have been the reaction if he would have said, "we knew the company men were instructed to keep drilling even if there was risk that might be rash?" Or if he had said, "well the U.S. Congress and Senate have been investigating our procedures for two years and so far they've not said we need to add those expensive upgrades." What would have been the reaction, oh, let me tell you, about the same as it was before the spill - a yawn, people are already refocused.  Tell me I'm wrong, tell me that the day it happened, people were concerned, then the next day when the death of the eleven began to hit home, people were more devastated, and then the week that it was learned what a disaster this really was (the full enormity of that still being withheld for everyone's own good) that week, people were pretty riled up, but now, 59 days later, it's just another piece of news in your busy day.  We are becoming so distracted that as a third of the worlds waters become infected with "Wormwood" (chemical distillate or poison- read that Benzine) those of us who have read that description in end times material, haven't made the connection.  Tell me I'm wrong?  See why we began this with prayer...

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