You're right, I'm not sure either, is it
dog gone it, or, doggonit? All that
we can be sure of, is, we aren't
sure of where it comes from- but
we do know- what doggonit means.
Alright, here is what it breaks down
into- dog, yes, that's my basic friend
to observe, gone, which is a state of
not being where someone expects you
ought to be, and it; meaning as Bill
Clinton so aptly asked, "it depends
upon what you mean by, it?"
One of my closest associates has
a wonderful dog, he is like me, getting
older, and losing his hearing- and while
it's sad; we've quickly got on the train
of telling her, "we just have to be more
careful with him, he will still have a
marvelous and long life." Which is
true- about him, and about me- so
my close associate is maybe listening-
we sure hope so, because, for a dog
this one has the amazing ability to bring
other dogs into his act. Ever know
somebody like that- they get you into
the strangest stuff, but they are fun
aren't they?
We have two dogs of our own, a mixed
breed that we've written the truth about,
she came to us abused, and her recovery makes
her a hero in my life. We have a standard
Poodle, which makes me wonder, if this
one is standard, what's the nonstandard like?
Our hero is Mopsey, she is a wonderful
and very insightful girl of 13 X 7 years- as
people tell dogs age 7 years per one human
year- and Sophie, our sophisticated Poodle.
Sophie is the sweetest dog you could ever
ask to have, she trained to go out to go to
the bathroom in about a week, she is
just wonderful and loving, and she does
odd stuff that probably only her master
appreciates, but here is the oddest, when
my associate brings her dog down, they
form into a family, and you can tell that
Sophie is thrilled that Luck luck, my buds
pup is here.
Dog gone it- it's strange how some things
just fit together, almost like they were supposed
to be together, and that is odd, we don't really
get that, do we? But there they are, three dogs
from totally different parts of the world, who
by getting their humans to do right, became
a family. Now right about this point you're
asking -"hey is there a devotional thought in
here somewhere?" Oh I believe you're gonna
really love this one, almost as much as Sophie
loves it when Luck luck shows up.
As Luck becomes less able to hear he really
needs extra looking after- because like any
curious and loving creature, Luck likes to see
"hey, what's over there?" So he goes, over there,
dog, gone- and that's sometimes not good,
over there is, street. Sophie comes running
into the backyard, tongue out, as if though to
say, "hey, he's out there and he won't listen
to me, I tried to tell him, but hes...gone."
Stop watering, go look, there is Mopsey heading
toward the street with a look about her that
says, "hey I'm taking the kid out for a time in
the pond." It's very hot out there, so Mops,
loves to go find water where she can dip, and
I don't know why it is, but she prefers pond
water to dish water? And there is Luck,
hot on her tail, following, willingly, the
conspiracy for freedom, is on. Evidently
they haven't been properly introduced to
the right dogma- they're seeking - freedom.
Sophie, having "ratted," them out, is happy
now as I head toward the driveway, because
Luck can't hear me gently encouraging him
to come home, and Mopsey is my only hope-
and so, "Mopsey, come on, bring him back
here, he can't hear- come on girl." She stops
her favorite walk to her favorite place and
comes back- you do the math.
It, see there is the it part of dog gone it-
because just like Christian's who used to
be there, sometimes they need a Mopsey
who will help them seek freedom, but when
it's gonna be dangerous, bring them back home.
But my suspicion is, freedom, is such a precious
thing to a family that when those Christian's
want to take a long walk to a lonely pond,
where just possibly the water tastes better,
it's good if there is a Sophie to tell Dad,
"hey, they're going over there, we need to
get after them about it." Dog gone it -
or is it doggonit? Still don't know, but this
we do know, there is something uncanny about
life and my dog family sure shows me a lot about
it- not the least of which is, my dear friend who
trusts me enough to care for her most precious
of friends, Luck luck, the wonder pup, dog gone it.
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