Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dog - Devotional

It was the simplest command possible,
in the worst movie (my opinion) ever
made, Don Johnson, from Miami
Vice fame, took a starring role in a
movie called, "A Boy and His Dog,"
which was based in an after nuclear
attack world, and his dog could read
his thoughts (think that was it...).  So
Don just called his companion, dog.
Companion, dog, they do fit together
don't they?

When you think of an
animal that is loyal to it's master,
dog is one that might pop into your
head?  Is it possible that one of the
reasons that we believe this is that
we have seen it so many times?

The famous scary book author Dean
Koontz, wrote a book about his
dog, "A Big Little Life," and it's
an amazing book.  The Koontz's
support and got their dog,
from the dog's who are trained to
work with blind people, and also
assist people with disabilities- these
dogs, the Koontz's dog was a Labrador,
are known for being especially well
trained and very intelligent.  They are
known as "companions." 

What happens to them when they become
too old to do the job?  What happens
when there are too many of them and
they can't find a home?  They are
loyal, and highly intelligent- but
those are questoins that you might
want to pick the book up and read
the answers to.

The story is told about a dog who was
trained to follow the masters command to
walk- but one day when the master, a
blind person, insisted they cross, the
dog wouldn't do it- the master even got
cross with the dog insisting it was time
to move, but the dog knew, the lights
were off, had they crossed the master
would have been hit.  That is loyalty,
and that is intelligence, and that is
a thankful master.

We have a call to be loyal in our lives,
we aren't Labrador's who lead the blind,
but we are called to provide a way for
the disabled to get home- so our tasks
are very similar- but I wonder if our
loyalty is very similar also?  It isn't
often true that a person can say this,
but in my life my friends have been
so loyal and so helpful, it's not possible
to really express how wonderful they
have been to me and for me- and so
I know exactly how they are toward
their master, as well.  Today if you
get the chance to be a loayal and
friendly companion- help some poor
disabled soul get home.

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