1Sa 7:12 | Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, [fn] saying, "Thus far has the Lord helped us." |
Monday, May 31, 2010
Interesting Perspective
When John Logan saw the division of the civil war in the United States he looked for an event which would help reunite the people. With that goal in mind he established this day, originally called "Decoration Day," Logan it is said sought a date upon which no civil war battles had been fought, and, a time when flowers which he said should decorate the graves of the brave, were available, hence it is May 31st. We do, when we celebrate Memorial Day, we do to some extent memorialize the man who is responsible for it? We cannot help but also remember all who have gone before us, and created what we have today. Going as far back in history as you care to go, change any of those circumstances and there is a good possibility that we aren't here today? I don't know about you but I like where we are and would like to keep it? But I wonder what sort of world we are passing on?
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Making And Keeping Friends
In our modern church culture, especially in America, we've lost the viability of what it means to lead someone in "the way," which is what Christian's were known as in the decade just after Christ's ascension, "the way". How Christianity was done back then, would really work today, and in fact is the only thing that has ever worked, except, we reject it today, because it's hard. Here is the truth, Christianity is built on friendship- you can say what you want, argue all you want, but you will eventually gnaw on this bone, Jesus had twelve friends- and even one of them wasn't worth much, except to Caiaphas and the crew who wanted Christ taken out. So how many friends do you have? This is my singular point, we're not talking about associates here, we've got loads of those, we're talking about friends, people you eat with, argue with and party with? Good and bad times; people, have twelve you can count? Better get busy then, because, the model is real, we know that, and the command is also real- "make disciples," Jesus wasn't kidding, and he had twelve, my sense is He gave His life that I'd strive to achieve more. Can I count you as...one?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Be Moved By Faith
In preparing for this weekends sermon which is based on Memorial Day, May 31; it occurred to me how little attention we pay to things which have gone before. Is it inappropriate to do so- as some constantly preach against living in the past, is it therefore, not faithful to consider the past? Jesus said to consider the day at present as being evil enough:
Mat 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof." Taken at face value that seems to mean something that after careful consideration proves to be false, Jesus isn't saying not to plan for the future, nor is He saying to pay no attention to the past, His emphasis at this point is on the present because He is talking to people who have distorted honesty in the present over truth. Today let's properly consider how important people are and who important therefore, what you can do for them, eternally, is? The most important thing that we can do in memorial to those great saints of faith who have gone before us, and to honor all those who have gone before us that we might live where we live, as we live- is to share the truth about Jesus with people who need to hear.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Being Helpful
The best friends that you have, aren't they helpful? When someone knows you as a best friend, isn't it because you can be depended upon to be helpful? When someone needs you, needs your help, there isn't anything wrong with that- it is a blessing if you can fulfill it, but this morning, lets take one step deeper thought- there is a God directed life which sometimes doesn't seem to be in tune with the direct needs of those around you.
For this morning consider the scripture
and we'll delve more deeply into it tomorrow.
John 11:21 "Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."
For this morning consider the scripture
and we'll delve more deeply into it tomorrow.
John 11:21 "Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
What Love Means
It's not just what you say, but, what you do, and it's not just what you do, but what it means, and it's not just what it means now, but what it means eternally. This is what really matters, the long picture of a place we can't know about, yet. One of my favorite books in the New Testament is the Book of Hebrews, because it is a delicious read, full of fantastic mystery. The flavor of the times it tells about, and the essence of what it means to be a follower of Jesus, well, Hebrews just gets that into my soul. I especially love chapter eleven, commonly called the roll call of the faithful, and it is a mountaintop of all writing in scripture, my goodness what an awesome chapter, yet, in reading it many miss my favorite verse, forty: Hebrews Chapter 11:40 "God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect." This to me is who you are, so now, can you see why you'd mean so much to me? Now can you see why chapter eleven, also means a great deal to me? How about you, see the connection?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Stranger Still
Last year a survey was run by one of the national level survey companies that said that 80 to 85% of America claimed to be Christian- that statistic just doesn't fit the picture of life that we are seeing. They don't add up statistically in a nation where half the marriages first year fail - where drug use is rampant and in all segments of the country. We have a leadership trust crisis, an absolute crisis where people do not trust their leaders, in fact, in America it is
common to hear extreme distrust of all
common to hear extreme distrust of all
political leaders. So the question becomes -
where are the Christian's ?
creator God,
Holy Spirit,
Friday, May 21, 2010
All That Is Within You
As the time approached for the enormous error which would bring so much death, two of the scientists on that project said the following about us, "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants," know who they were? But as the mushroom clouds spread over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they knew they had not been listened to; just as often when you speak to someone about what is coming, they don't listen to you, but you have to say it anyway, don't you, with all that is within you- that being the Holy Spirit, you have to share with people that what they think they understand, they don't really understand at all, that an end is coming- that the promise of our Lord who defeated death, was that He would return and just as His tomb was empty; so shall it be. All that is within you testifies of such to you, so that you may testify of such to others.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Child Abuse - End It - NOW
Children and animals, just gets all over me to see someone abuse them in any way- they are, in so far as animals that are weaker than man, and children, helpless. Now if somebody wants to box with a Grizzly Bear, and they think they'll get off on that, my sense is- might be a really good way to handle people who fight chickens and dogs- would work for me, let them fight it out with a Griz for a while...the Jewish people have a neat saying, "if you want to hear God laugh tell Him your plans," Ok God - I think the Griz thing is a keeper! Now just as sure as I am sitting here writing this, someone is going to say, "well you know, sin is sin," yeah I get that, but when it comes to children being abused, and animals that can't defend themselves being abused, it's a sin you'd just as soon not commit around me. FACSA is an organization that deals with ending the abuse of children, and we, the Monday Nite Choir Boys, get to play on their behalf this weekend, May 22 at 6:30 P.M. in Springhill Louisiana, at the Central Park. If you can't come bye but would like to make a donation to FACSA, or the cause, feel free to do so, we have a donation button on this page, simply put FACSA in there and we'll get your donation to them, or, visit their FACSA page and do so there, it's important and you can help. Normally, as you know, I'm a real low key, unemotional type dude...so I know you're shocked that I'd get so outlandish over abuse of children and animals, but I do, everybody has a "hot" button, now you know mine, what's yours?
creator God,
End Child Abuse,
Holy Spirit,
Making Those Hours Count
One of the hardest facts of our lives concerns what we do with time; how do we determine the importance of certain tasks. Two elements there that we almost never sit back and think about in simplest terms, time, "Lord teach us to number our days," and task, "Lord what would you have me to do with this life you have given me." If those two items are where the Lord wants them, do you think you will be a happier person?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
You Don't See It Yet - Fourths
Split it into fourths and you have half of the halves, or, a good basic starting point for splitting up a pie? We cut the pizza into eighth's and because it is so rich by the time we doctor it up; that those are plenty for our family. We always have enough to eat, we never want for water, and we have wonderful electric appliances; we have it good. We don't truly know how blessed we are because most of the time in the U.S., we think in U.S. terms and don't consider the rest of the world. This has gotten us into some weird situations a time or two, but for the most part, America is loved or hated, there is no middle ground where we are concerned. So it is that we find that type of thinking permeates our culture, and it's actually the type of thinking that Jesus often proclaimed. It is interesting that when it came to different ways of working for God, however, Jesus made clear that if they aren't against us, they are, for us? How big an image of God Jesus is professing at that point? Does it have bearing in your life today?
Monday, May 17, 2010
You Don't See It Yet - Troisième partie
'Party to the first part will now sign on behalf of the party in the second part to ensure the rights of the party in the third part," sound like legal talk to you? When we began this series of "you don't see it yet," wonder how many of you thought about that title? Do you look at titles, or do you, consider the title, as it is, an invite to the read, and move on? When we think about how we do what we do, it does give us pause to consider the Bible, the truth that is in the Bible and how we are getting that truth out to people. One of the most prolific ways we are getting that truth out is through television, but the problem with television is the unreality of T.V. does not lend itself to the sure footed accountability of following Jesus? Billy Graham used to famously close all his crusade sessions with these words, "be sure to go to a church Sunday and let them know what you have decided here tonight," many did, perhaps you even remember watching a Billy Graham event? Those who went to the church, found that the pastor was indeed waiting for them, but today, modern shows are the church, it is no longer an evangelistic crusade to send people to a church, the church has moved into the television arena, and the question is, can it?
Friday, May 14, 2010
You Don't See It Yet - Part Deux
Now here is the problem in a nutshell, and this is going to be deep right up front, so you don't have to wade through a lot of thought provoking imagery via the language to get to it, hows that for a quick introductory paragraph to make you go, huh? In a nutshell, can you count twelve heathen's that you know- godless people who are without a chance and are hell bound? Let's call that the beginning of the Jesus in you problem, that's probably a nice way to put it- SO- can ya, huh, huh, can ya? Let me answer that, bet not- most Christian's don't know twelve heathens- reason bein'- we don't do heathen- basically, we don't hang out with them, go where they go (usually) - or get to know them, because many times heathens will really test ya- right? Well look, here's a fun one, you are a Son of God (now before you get all bent out of shape about that one, do recall what Jesus said, we're all family here folks...) who has a mission to change the total thinking of someone who believes in their heart your an idiot. Get after it- and while you're at it, remember that Peter didn't right away buy into the fact that Jesus was who He said He was, read the New Testament portrait of their relationship and you will find yet another meaning to those oft misquoted words from Luke:
Luk 2:52 | And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. |
bad relationships,
creator God,
Jack Canfield,
love relationship
Thursday, May 13, 2010
You Don't See It Yet
One of the privileges of the internet is the ability to do research that is enormous and broad based, and then bring that broad base information into a focus which is powerful. This is actually the first time in human history where so much knowledge has been available between people to be shared and exchanged without difficulty- and a great result of this is the enormous insights which are coming forth about similarities rather than differences in, religions. It is a privilege to be able to dig into the ancient Hebrew writings and see exactly what the words meant and were used as, to see their culture, to look into the Greek New Testament and the culture and history of the writings therein- it is a privilege to be able to share such with you. You don't see it yet, do you? That's right, what this devotional, is about, where it's going. Doesn't it make you wonder- and just a little leery to be reading this much, and not yet have a feel for it, you don't see it yet? Let's start to focus down here, lets start with a significant, highly significant date- this date is the date, really, other than the cross, for all of human history- and yet-here is a guess, I'm gonna put this date on here, and being honest, email me and let me know if you got it, July 16, 1945? Did you know it- here is a clue...and, uh, note the name of it, Trinity.
You don't see it yet, because we're going to get a little bit deep...but that's coming your way as we begin to dialogue through email...until then...try not to just explode with curiosity...
You don't see it yet, because we're going to get a little bit deep...but that's coming your way as we begin to dialogue through email...until then...try not to just explode with curiosity...
love relationship,
A Little Deep
When you read the Bible, are you reading what it is saying, or are you reading what you believe the translators were inspired to say were the words that were used? You have to trust somebody- and the standard work around to this rather thorny set of problems is, God was inspiring the writers and translators, through the Holy Spirit. This works fine for believers, but to those who
don't believe this argument is called circular logic, or, a result which is deliberately proved by the argument. So what's the answer? Yesterday we discussed the deeper aspect of an encounter that folks have read about for centuries, without asking the evidential question of what the voice actually sounded like based on the actions of the person? Put another way, if the voice didn't sound like Eli, why did Samuel believe it did and walk over to a sleeping Eli to ask what he needed? Rather than, for example, going outside, or, looking out the door to see if someone else were around the house? See the point? Yet this question isn't asked- curious as to why? Well, how about we do this, you send in a friends email, who will be dialing in tomorrow, and guess what I'll do in return, reduce your stress and let you in on something that is starting to get deep- see the point? Sure you do, now, have a little faith...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
It Just Doesn't Make Sense
You are pretty sharp, that's why you read this devotional; lots of people do, oddly, I've never been able to get folks trained in leaving comments, yet, but I'm working on that. You are pretty sharp but as you read this mornings entry, you are going to get your head challenged in a way that it's never been before; what you are about to read, you've never heard before; and at first, that's going to freak you out a bit, because you've heard a lot of Bible and read a lot of Bible, so to hear something that is new, well, that's a challenge for you. Ready for it? Here it comes, as many times as you've heard the story of Eli the Priest and Samuel the youth, how, they went to sleep that night, the lamp had gone out, as many times as you've heard that story, you've never thought about this- who do you suppose God sounded like to young Samuel? !- told you, it's not your usual sack of taters - is it, and you've never thought about it, had you? Now here is the rest of the story, because that's just a whistle wetter...hmm, do you suppose that you might invite a friend to be with us tomorrow? Let's do that, so we can finish this grand insight, with someone new, invite them today, send me an email and let me know how to welcome them, and then, tomorrow, we'll really get deep, hows that sound? In the meantime, just so you don't get the impression that I just want you sending an invite to a friend for no reason, consider this-
Mat 24:37 | As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. |
creator God,
Second Coming
Monday, May 10, 2010
Not To Live In Fear
Ever badger someone just to be picking at them? Sure you have, we all have, it's sort of fun sometimes to pick at folks, ain't it? One of my pastor friends is constantly getting hit with a barrage of it from me about food, ever since I watched the movie "Food Inc.," and now today headlines say that E. Coli is once again in Lettuce? (Click to RSS feeds on this subject) It is almost as if times are just lining up to see a return of Jesus to the Earth? Each day we now see a brand new calamity- it isn't as if though there is much time for peace between notifications of disaster, have you noticed? As one of the brilliant apologists PPSimmons says: "let the Bible tell you what the Bible says." His video's are certainly something to think about-
While we don't have to live in fear if we know Jesus as Lord and Savior, we nonetheless owe it to others to be informed and acting differently than everyone did prior to the flood, which is what I take the warning to be?
While we don't have to live in fear if we know Jesus as Lord and Savior, we nonetheless owe it to others to be informed and acting differently than everyone did prior to the flood, which is what I take the warning to be?
Mat 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Somebody should ask this question...
Have you ever wondered why somebody didn't ask that question? Been in a conference, or a seminar and thought, "here's the question, why doesn't somebody ask it?" Well guess what, that was your cue- and you missed it then, don't miss it now- your country may need you to ask urgently an extremely important question- is this the best we can do- when it comes to the Supreme Court of the United States; Elena Kagan? Are we to believe, Mr. President, that out
Mat 5:14 | Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. |
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What we seem to be moving toward in the world today, not just in the U.S., but in the world, is a state of verifiability- which isn't a state of faith, at all. Last year a missionary from America to Czechoslovakia told me that here in the U.S. you have people who claim that the soil is hard to plant seed in (speaking of witnessing) but he said in Czechoslovakia the ground isn't hard, it's cement! He said people will literally cuss you out in the grossest of terms if you mention God- they are outright in their atheism and want nothing to do with God whatsoever- he said they are a people who have been taught to fear the state, under Communism, and that there is no God, under that same state system, whereas now, there is no Communism, they are a people totally void of caring. He said they need our prayers as the situation there is mirrored all across the continent where Communism once was. Ever feel empty after a bout with sin- where the force of Satan moves into your life, and then, leaves? He leaves an empty void if he can, and he leaves it in such a way that God must get your attention to call you back unto faithfulness. It happens in our lives, as it has happened in their lives in Czechoslovakia; and yet, we want to act as if though such is not the case- but the question is obvious- are we not becoming more and more distant from each other - Christian's now, aren't we less and less intricate in our lives with one another? How then, are we to pray for what really needs praying for? If I am afraid to admit my need for prayer from temptations and what those temptations are in my life, to you, then how in the world are we to suppose the power which comes from such love- what love is there if we cannot be open and honest with each other in Christ from whom nothing is hidden? So that when years from now Jesus reminds us how this time was, will we be guilty of having had "no faith," no vision, no heart and no soul to hear the master asking us to get real? See and touch and smell have become what we believe in, large numbers of people attending worship how proves to us that such is valid- we are losing the faith in God that God established- and we are turning it over to a systematic denial of faith in the name of reality- where in the land of God is that deemed acceptable? Where in the land of faith- in God, in His Son, is that the way we are told to act? You can't see faith- but it is known by what you are, and that is called - love- God is...love. Can you verify that? Not and have it be love- love isn't something you ever need to verify- at least, let me say this, Jesus on the cross died that my sins and our sins might be forgiven, in the model prayer Jesus never mentions himself or your, He uses the very specific term we and our, because, loving God won't happen without loving others...and that, you can, in fact, verify.
bad relationships,
constant fighting,
love relationship
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Being a part of a larger experience is often a paradox, you are a part of it, and yet, you aren't exactly, because it is bigger than you are. The paradox is that you are in fact, part of it, even though, you may not realize it, or feel personally that such is the case. This is a paradox when it comes to responsibility, and it is a paradox when it comes to outcomes, you see, the odd part of this happens when small things take on big significance. Take for example Ruth- a lady who was working, which was what she was supposed to be doing, after having displayed unbelievable faith in following her mother-in-law to a situation which had no guarantee of survival. There she was, doing her small part, working in the fields, and yet we read in the story where as a result of what she did and her faithful application of the laws of God, she became a grandparent (if you will) to one of the most powerful Kings of all time, King David, and eventually her lineage would bring about the Messiah- imagine what your small part your playing might really amount to?
creator God,
Jack Canfield,
love relationship,
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Are You A Thinking Christian?
He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing [shall be] upon the head of him that selleth [it]. |
What we just experienced in America some months back when the banks were given large amounts of money to "bail them out," and then, turned that money, in many instances, inward rather than outward into the economy may be a proving out of this? Proverbs often asserts a larger issue of wisdom behind the saying, here we see a principle involving the conduct of one who has possessions, and not just possessions, but in this instance, corn, a grain which when it falls to the ground - brings forth more as it dies, as we are told by Jesus. It isn't hard to see where a person who hoarded the corn that could multiply if used, wouldn't be appreciated by many people, on the other hand, a person who made sure it was out in the community, so it could multiply, would be appreciated. Which type of person are you?
Monday, May 3, 2010
When we take the human viewpoint about life and events and occurrences, what we deduce is often behind the reality- we are seeing such right now today, Sunday, May 2, 2010 in America. An unthinkable oil rig disaster is upon us; and now, folks who have decision making capability regarding this, are just now beginning to get on board in resolving this, and what can be done. The disaster struck on April 20, at that time the reaction of the BP corporation was detached, assessing the pipe as being controllable, assessing the damage on the low side, BP acted as if this was something that they could control. Now, nearly two weeks later, BP is asking other corporations which have drilling rigs if they would be willing to assist BP in making sure they haven't missed anything. This is not a time when we should remain relaxed and without vigilance- this is a time when we need to pray- because the truth is, the reason we call things unthinkable, is that we wouldn't anticipate such as being possible; but they happen, and they are happening with ever increasing intensity- remember, that intensity is the key to interpreting what is happening from a Biblical perspective.
**Oil Rig photo Michael DeMocker Times Picayune
**Oil Rig photo Michael DeMocker Times Picayune
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