Have you ever wondered why somebody didn't ask that question? Been in a conference, or a seminar and thought, "here's the question, why doesn't somebody ask it?" Well guess what, that was your cue- and you missed it then, don't miss it now- your country may need you to ask urgently an extremely important question-
is this the best we can do- when it comes to the Supreme Court of the United States; Elena Kagan? Are we to believe, Mr. President, that out
of all the justices in this country- all the benches, all the people with distinguished legal minds, that the best you could come up with is this individual- is that what you're tryin' to get us to buy Mr. President? Look I realize that we passed over a known hero of historic proportions to elect this President- I didn't vote for him, I voted for John McCain, who I thought should be the President- and I'd dang sure betcha his nominee wouldn't be this one? Get real folks- get serious, once she is appointed- it don't get undone- if you don't get hot on this issue right now- you will get this person on the bench...God we need your help - Lord help us...folks don't go to sleep on this one...it's too important.
Here is a list of your Congressional offices, your representatives, get into the mix on this one- first, do what you always do, research, because once you do, guess what, you'll discover that according to the records, this nominee has no judicial experience? Read, dig, this is an important and historic moment- don't let it get past you, then use this list to contact your representatives! And so you might say..."well why are you writing this on a devotional page," after you do the research on this person...you'll know the answer to that question- it's in a statement by Jesus :
Mat 5:14 | | Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. |
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