Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It Just Doesn't Make Sense

You are pretty sharp, that's why you read this devotional; lots of people do, oddly, I've never been able to get folks trained in leaving comments, yet, but I'm working on that.  You are pretty sharp but as you read this mornings entry, you are going to get your head challenged in a way that it's never been before; what you are about to read, you've never heard before; and at first, that's going to freak you out a bit, because you've heard a lot of Bible and read a lot of Bible, so to hear something that is new, well, that's a challenge for you.  Ready for it?  Here it comes, as many times as you've heard the story of Eli the Priest and Samuel the youth, how, they went to sleep that night, the lamp had gone out, as many times as you've heard that story, you've never thought about this- who do you suppose God sounded like to young Samuel?  !- told you, it's not your usual sack of taters - is it, and you've never thought about it, had you?  Now here is the rest of the story, because that's just a whistle wetter...hmm, do you suppose that you might invite a friend to be with us tomorrow?  Let's do that, so we can finish this grand insight, with someone new, invite them today, send me an email and let me know how to welcome them, and then, tomorrow, we'll really get deep, hows that sound?  In the meantime, just so you don't get the impression that I just want you sending an invite to a friend for no reason, consider this- do you see any evidence in the Bible that Noah was going out to the people and asking them to get ready for the flood to come?
Mat 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

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