One of our most pleasing experiences is when we are touched,
as babies we love it, crave it, long for it, and get vocal
when it doesn't happen. As young people we dearly long for
and enjoy when our mom holds us, and for many of us, we
gained enormous satisfaction when our father did the same.
(Fathers aren't like they used to be, but that's another
writing for another time) As we entered into teenage years
we started to get off on being touched by members of the
opposite sex, which, brought us enormous satisfaction when
our boyfriend or girlfriend provided a positive stroke
our way. As we enter into adulthood, the need is still there
but often the satisfaction dwindles.
It is a sad statement of the culture within the
world that we are becoming less and
less touch motivated, and more and more, technologically
motivated. Young people are increasingly making use of a
cold and detached computer system; whether cellular or not,
to make up for the satisfaction which they are not getting
from a personal relationship.
This is the world that 2010 begins in; and it
is getting increasingly colder in emotional
terms, and nobody seems to be able to point out why? Part of
the reason for that may be the enormous size of the world/
global measure which would be required to finalize such an image?
On top of the facts of our emotional context in a technology
gone out of control; we have the amazing aspect of interpersonal
relationships being modified on a daily basis by the government.
Why would a persons personal conduct with regard to prayer
be a sanctioned legal issue? Why would a couples private
conduct within the sanctity of their home become a legal
and economic issue? Why are things which were never intended
to be measured by a Holy Bible designed to indicate a path
to a blissful, heavenly eternity; suddenly being brought into
that arena and publically judged by those who claim to be able
to rightly interpret it? I would suggest to you that much
of what we see taking place has little or nothing to do
with Jesus, much to do with things having nothing to do with
Jesus! Many evangelicals are all up in arms saying that these
are the last days, maybe they are- but maybe they aren't and
we should get begin to act like we have a responsibility to
build a better church, a more representative body of Christ-
to the local surroundings! Paul told his readers that they
cannot just believe this is the end of it and go sit on a hill!
Neither in 2010 can we. Now toward that end my sense is that
we need to get on board deeper discussions, in fact, since
you are a reader here, my sense is that you can handle some
questions which aren't easy. Check out:
NOTE: I do not recommend a trek down Ehrman lane unless
you are ready to dig in is a tough video:
Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)
"drd's" Blog
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