These days I hear far too much of the negative invective, why
we should serve God, and far too little of the honest truth
about God loving you, and why that results in service. Let me
share with you the difference from out of the book of Ruth,
here in one paragraph. You can be guilt tripped and guilt laden
into service, you can be scared of Hell, into service, you
can be shamed into service of God, all of those are standard
sermon approaches and appeals, but none of them come from the
heart of God - catch that phrase, it means what it says, God
isn't interested in putting a heap of guilt on your head, that
isn't where His heart is at. God, as the Bible makes clear,
if you study it deep enough, God is love- and love, as displayed
by Ruth's unsheltered devotion to Naomi - sworn as a death oath,
love, doesn't shrink back, it moves on, from within it's own
power! Not guilt, not shame, not fear - love- and when you move
to the symphony of God who is love, the music will soar within
your soul- and other souls will join in! So when you hear
counsel from someone that tells you not to achieve, not to
soar, not to try, not to grow, not to find new ways of being
more of what you are, not to want to expand your areas of
becoming more and more of what your excellence is about, when
you hear such words- bear in mind, that isn't love- love urges
you on- which means, love is very much - faith!
Rth 1:19 So they two went until they came to Bethlehem.
And it came to pass, when they were come to Bethlehem,
that all the city was moved about them, and they said,
[Is] this Naomi?
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