Monday, January 4, 2010

January - Fresh- New and You

Ever feel like life is losing it's pizazz? Ever wonder why?
Let me suggest in this one paragraph devotional thought,
not only a why, but a how to do away with that "blah" that
comes around New Years we go- one paragraph- is all,
ready- curious about what it might be? Wondering, "how in
the world is he gonna do this in one paragraph?" Isn't it
something when your mind gets engaged into something? My
heart is one of those that when I love somebody it's totally,
all the way, like Jesus, I love my Lord all the way, I have
a magnificent, absolutely awesomely incredible and inspiring
person I love who said I needed to focus- and that, my
friend- that great loving, inspiring moment, my brain went
into another place, and the point came home. The blahs
were gone- and this Bible verse came to me, love is the
most powerful experience there is, I pray you may have such
a love in your life: "Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God."

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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