Sunday, July 19, 2009

If It Is Meant To Be

We've all heard that, and some folks actually have it in their heads that this is Christian. Now while we're thinking on that, let's just ask ourselves one simple question, what does meant to be mean? It means that you wouldn't have a choice about it, doesn't it? But isn't the reason that everything happened the way that it did, from the Ram in the bush, to the cross, about you having the free will to not love God? Isn't your free will to love God, something you count on? Aren't we all sinners? Do we do that because we mean it, or do we usually not even realize we have, until we have? You tell me, it's just a question that I think we have wrong, my sense is that we have free will so that we can love God, without that, how can we?

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