Monday, July 27, 2009

Did You See That?

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A lady at church told me the other day that I was making too many comments in Sunday School, that I was, "taking over the class." Now that's interesting, guess it means we are supposed to come into the Sunday school class and sit - quietly, not commenting, not objecting, not thinking? Wow wouldn't that be something...Guess what she doesn't get is that, that isn't going to happen with me, and it really doesn't matter who would suggest it. Here's why; my mouth isn't wired that way, when it comes to my brain, only part of the wiring was completed and so usually, before I get my foot out of my mouth, it's opened up, and "Shazzam" I've gone and asked another one of those questions, or made another one of those comments...or made someone feel like I was trying to show off or take over the class. Thank goodness that other defenders of the good news of the gospel weren't like that! Thank goodness that all through the Bible we have people who keep their mouths shut and rather than stand out, SIT DOWN and SHUT UP...Oh, oh, wait a sec...that's not quite how it is it? Well durn...guess I'll have to stand guilty of shouting GRACE of GOD at the top of my lungs...and forever I shall always remain, Christ's servant. "Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" ...yeah I must be...forgiving, right? Keep smilin' and keep prayin' ...believe me, I need those prayers. Thanks.

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