Monday, August 9, 2021



Processed food removes nutrients, we all know this...
Thing is...we have the solution, total natural raw honey

Read these links for any supporting information you feel you need:
Call Keith 318-423-1053 


Monday, March 8, 2021

Why we need voices of reason

When someone tells you to shut up, 

they're saying three distinct things:

1.  Your opinion isn't one I want to hear.

2.  Your opinion isn't based on what I accept.

3.  My opinion is better so let me say it.

There are more reasons, I'm sure you can

add some, but...there's that enormous...but;

always bear in mind- after we shut up- 

we listen with different ears.

In Seminary a lady missed class, all the folks

knew she'd need the assignment, but everybody

was slightly hesitant to volunteer to take it to 

her.  She was the wife of the then chief of Police

for the city...guess who finally got volunteered?

I'll never, ever forget; going to the door

with the papers and being greeted by this

sweet lady...with two gigantic Rottweillers'.

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