What did James know that will help us

But we've grown now, we're older now, and we know that quandary isn't real, revenge belongs to God alone, and we don't understand why, and we will probably never fully get it, but on occasion, as here in verse 13, it all jumps right up in our face, and we realize, the blessing from mercy comes to the merciful.
12Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,13because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

We focus on the wrong aspect of what we believe is worshiping God all the time, and not because we want to, it's not deliberate, rather it is subtle, very subtle, and respectfully, the Devil who wants you to buy that he doesn't exist, hasn't stopped working on that artful lying.
Sometimes you just have to say something over again, and the nature of Satan is to suggest that such won't help with getting your message across. Trust me to share with you, mercy, is far from my heart most days- and I love Jesus, so you have to ask, "How can that be?" It is that I am human - a sinner, saved not by being exceptional, saved not by being a witness, saved not by anything, ANYTHING, that I would be able to say I did- saved only by God's grace. Some very quickly add, that you must have faith- and I'd quickly insert that there is no additive to grace, once you've been saved, by grace, trust me, faith is not nearly the struggle it used to be. Mercy, on the other hand, well, that's a tad bit more complicated, as we'll discuss in pursuant writings. May God add his blessings to the reading of this. Amen
If we can truly love our neighbors and love Jesus completely ... then up holding the "laws" will happen without any additional effort ??.. What troubles me the most however how do we deal with Romans 3:11.. Are we truly seeking God or are we looking for somewhere to lay our excuses???
Remember that this is a deliberate pull on the teaching others to disciple under Jesus...so the focus is there...
Dr D.... I guess I dont see the get out the door and take Me to the masses in this scripture... But then again I am not as fluent as the good Dr... What speaks to me is "dont even try to blame someone else" or "the Devil made me do it" is not a reason only an excuse... We must stay in repentance in hopes we may find the day were we get a gold star... I have a continuing battle what is sovereign love and what is infatuation.. How do we measure the love of ourselves when we need to live in humility... Thank our Lord the Word is living and will speak to each of us individually when we submit and the veil is lifted... Ok I will stop now... But I still am confused by your conclusion an I submit with open ears and complete respect
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