Friday, May 11, 2018

James Chapter 1, Verses 2-4 - Excerpt from commentary verses 2-4

Not the commentary page, still working on that- but for now consider please, this concept idea:

What did James know that can help us?

Brief paragraph on post being completed...a teaser, if you will...

From James Chapter 1, verses 2-4, a natural division by subject (NIV)

2-My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

Brethren, ah my, it is being done away with, as you read this, enormous evil forces are at work to kill the sense of family, to kill the sense of belonging, to kill the sense of being, “Brethren.” “Oh c’mon Dana, that’s ridiculous, there are no “evil forces” doing such, you’re just paranoid.” OK, I get that response, and could quip back, “Well so was the Grinch, and look what happened.” But that would be quip, and although much deeper than folks care to go about Dr. Seuss, is still enough of an opening to thought that I’d say, consider it’s possible, here’s why. If you wanted to kill the Holy Spirit, oh I know, we don’t discuss the Holy Spirit as being real, but just for the sake of argument, let’s say that He is; and let’s say that your task is to kill Him, how are you going to do that, seeing as how He is in every believer who is “Born from above.” (Very literally what Christ said to Nicodemus that night...”You must be born from above,” poorly translated, I would think even Dr. Mounce might agree, as “You must be born again.” But that translation, awkward and lacking, still gets the point across.) There are at present so many believers that trying to kill the Holy Spirit would be a tough assignment, would you gather them all together? That would mean a very strange nation size occurrence? That’s not at all likely is it? Would you take them on one at a time, well that could take a while, couldn’t it? Or would you devise a virus- oh-oh; now we’re talking terms that 2018 readers can relate to- a virus to kill the Holy Spirit? Hmm, that’s an idea, could you do it? 
 What dear Christian do you think it would look like?  

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