ride, it's a transit of the park - five minutes isn't very long
at all. Five minutes can be, however, the longest and most
important minutes of your day, if, you spend those five
minutes in meditation. Five minutes can change your life,
make your life better, happier, more fulfilled, five
minutes. Five minutes isn't a long time.
If you look at your watch or a clock on the wall,
choose a time to start, and literally time out five
minutes; you'll discover it's longer than you
might believe. Separated time is different,
dedicated time is different; the time in length
is the same, always will be, set by the atomic
clock, a second is a second and minutes have
60 of them, and that's just the way it is. When
you stop your life, for five of them, though,
something changes.
Meditation sits in the family of concentration,
thinking, and relating, they are all members of
the function of your mind that strengthens it.
Because the mental strength which is provided
by meditation is very much akin to the physical
strength gained by lifting weights, the process
is very similar as you gain mental strength.
Our Pastor at Cental Baptist Church in Springhill
Louisiana is such an outrageously gutsy man of
prayer, that the faith which meditation shows you
through insights becomes easy to pray about. So
we began this brief time with each other about
five minutes, won't you consider giving it
a try?