Know why you've become so defensive as a Christian? Ha ha, you might say, "I'm not," uh huh, I hear you, but, let's get a little bit past that business,
into the real, because when Christian's who function
in the world of faith, get real about that; they have
to deal with everything that everyone gets to deal
with, AND, they get to deal with faith. Faith; it
is as Tony Robbins so clearly and passionately
says, "passion!" Now I don't love or endorse all
that Tony does, but trust me, tonight, his sleep
won't be disturbed by that fact at all, nor should
it be; Tony Robbins has helped millions of people
have better lives, he is the master, so should
he be listened to; you betcha, but what if you
don't buy into what he's saying, so what? It's
your mind, but I can guaranty you this; I'm not
a salesperson for Tony, don't make affiliate
marketing money for him, I mention him because
I see the malaise, the tiredness, the lack of
passion in my friends, and in Christian's, and
I know, this man can help.
So that little piece of judgmental thinking, does it
serve Tony or myself? Nope, it does
not serve Tony because as we're going to see,
there is a power that is in play when we discuss
faith, that is beyond anything you and I would
feel comfortable with. We are, very much, like
three year old behind the wheel of high powered
Hummer in freeway traffic in L.A. at rush hour.
Does that judgment serve me? Nope, because the
truth is, when someone has helped millions to
achieve more, to live empowered, and to grow-
distancing oneself from them, isn't smart.
But again what happens is far more in depth
than that. Faith- oh my, think on this:
What an adventure faith is, and how quickly
it can get away from you. All the passion
that you have bottled into your life, can
get out of your life, before you even realize
it's gone, your empty and wondering "where did
it go?" Faith is meant to be the element that
for the person who exercises it, puts them
into the mix of an entirely more powerful
existence, one where passion meets excellence
and the result of that is, your very best.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
LOVE - what cost? Being Human? You decide...
Jack Canfield, noted author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul, and
a book that is going over me now, "The Success Principles," is a
man that I believe, has what the Nez Perce indians described as
a "Big Soul." Near as I can find from studying the Nez Perce
culture, they had a word for human, and it meant a person who
acted as they ought, lived as they ought, and respected others
as they ought. The Nez Perce I've heard, had not word, as we
do, for someone who wasn't "human," it wasn't conceivable
to them that someone would be so, instead they had only two
descriptions for a person, they were, "human," or, they weren't
described at all. Think about that- what sort of difference might
it make in our lives today if we simply didn't even acknowledge
when someone was being a total jerk? How much effort, time,
energy and soulful hurt is engendered inside the Body of Christ,
by people who are expressing that someone wasn't "human."
As Jack Canfield might say to them, "let go of the past."
One of my all time favorite movies is "the Matrix," which I believe
holds many, many truths about how we ought to consider the
value of life; and in that movie; one of my favorite characters,
"the Oracle," says this to the star "Neo." "Oh what's really
Listening in, hearing, understanding, becoming, joining,
are all words which express both motion, and existence;
think about it. We hear someone, we are hearing, it is,
motion in our life, our brains are cranking out meaning,
at that moment, our existence is fully entrenched in
hearing what they are saying, but are we hearing, the sound
of the chirping bird on the bush outside our window? The
neighbors loud muffler as the car starts up? The slamming
door across the street? The grass, the needle
slides across the record on that one, doesn't it? "Hear
the grass growing? Sure Dana we've got nothing but
time to stand around and hear the grass growing, even
if we could, even if we cared, which we don't!" Feel
Well let's play Oracle, for a sec; you see, you
actually do hear it; you just don't recognize that you
do! Your brain in any independent moment is taking
in as many as thousands upon thousands of audio,
video, touch, and other sensory inputs from eyes,
ears, skin, hair, nose, mouth; feet, you name it, you
are literally a sensing expert- but most of what you
sense, moment to moment is placed into a path where
you aren't cognizant of it at all, are you? So yes, you
have heard grass growing, you just didn't realize it-
now, let's get scriptural here for just a second and think
together about the power we know as love, that the Bible
says is God.
a book that is going over me now, "The Success Principles," is a
man that I believe, has what the Nez Perce indians described as
a "Big Soul." Near as I can find from studying the Nez Perce
culture, they had a word for human, and it meant a person who
acted as they ought, lived as they ought, and respected others
as they ought. The Nez Perce I've heard, had not word, as we
do, for someone who wasn't "human," it wasn't conceivable
to them that someone would be so, instead they had only two
descriptions for a person, they were, "human," or, they weren't
described at all. Think about that- what sort of difference might
it make in our lives today if we simply didn't even acknowledge

energy and soulful hurt is engendered inside the Body of Christ,
by people who are expressing that someone wasn't "human."
As Jack Canfield might say to them, "let go of the past."
One of my all time favorite movies is "the Matrix," which I believe
holds many, many truths about how we ought to consider the
value of life; and in that movie; one of my favorite characters,
"the Oracle," says this to the star "Neo." "Oh what's really
going to bake your noodle later on is,
would you still have broken it
if I hadn't said anything?"
Listening in, hearing, understanding, becoming, joining,
are all words which express both motion, and existence;
think about it. We hear someone, we are hearing, it is,
motion in our life, our brains are cranking out meaning,
at that moment, our existence is fully entrenched in
hearing what they are saying, but are we hearing, the sound
of the chirping bird on the bush outside our window? The
neighbors loud muffler as the car starts up? The slamming
door across the street? The grass, the needle
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the grass growing? Sure Dana we've got nothing but
time to stand around and hear the grass growing, even
if we could, even if we cared, which we don't!" Feel
Well let's play Oracle, for a sec; you see, you
actually do hear it; you just don't recognize that you
do! Your brain in any independent moment is taking
in as many as thousands upon thousands of audio,
video, touch, and other sensory inputs from eyes,
ears, skin, hair, nose, mouth; feet, you name it, you
are literally a sensing expert- but most of what you
sense, moment to moment is placed into a path where
you aren't cognizant of it at all, are you? So yes, you
have heard grass growing, you just didn't realize it-
now, let's get scriptural here for just a second and think
together about the power we know as love, that the Bible
says is God.
Holy Spirit,
love relationship
Monday, October 4, 2010
Not So Fast There Friend
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respect their opinion about things, honestly thrive on the time
that you are able to be with them; they matter to you. So it
is when they are not in touch with you, or, you lose contact
with them, that you notice the absence of them in your life.
Fast forward that to how we react and act toward the church
and church life, and even Christianity in the world today?
For a moment put aside the grief you may think you can
justify against this noble organization, rather, think of it
based on the above, from the churches point of view?
What is horribly amusing is the rise of the behavior which
used to be held at bay by the church, and how even those
who profess to be against the church, find that they are
in alignment with what the church would say. A friend
of mine, Chris Voss, just released a blog about sexting,
an aberrant form of text video cellular that let's people
send photos of themselves in compromising scenes-
very explicit sexual scenes, for the enjoyment of the
one they are sending them to, but; it is when those scenes
through accident or other ways become public that
real sexting issues crop up.
Would you believe that a Biblical principle comes into
play many times on this very issue? What do you think
that would be?
Chris Voss,
creator God,
Holy Spirit,
love relationship,
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