Friday, June 1, 2018

James chapter 1 -vv. focal 5-8

What did James know that will help us?

"BOOM" Then silence, inside the silence is a note, a humming?  If you read that and had no idea what it was describing, you've never had a gun go off close to your ears without ear plugs or those headphone shooting protectors.  That tone means your ear is now out of commission, that lasts for a
while, during that moment, you don't hear other sounds.  Once while training to use forty five caliber weapons in the military the trainer informed us that we were going to experience this, so that we'd know what it was like when we drew our weapon without protection, and wouldn't freak out in a fire fight.  We did, and that sound is a terrifying one.  Being terrified, being scared to the point that your mind has a certain loss of control, that there is no reference to model your behavior on, that you go out of your mind, so to say, with terror- the moment before the sword strikes, the moments after an explosion, the moments after a gunman goes into a church and starts shooting- those moments of terror are what protectors have to train for.  Keep that in mind and read these next verses of James:

   "5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, 
who gives to all generously and without reproach, 
and it will be given to him. 
6 But he must ask in faith without any doubting,
for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, 
driven and tossed by the wind. 
7 For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 
8 being a double-minded man, unstable in all his way

We're going to go a little deeper into these verses in pursuant commentary moments, but here at that outset let me gently suggest to you, that when you see a friend, someone you care about, done dirty, it gets to you in a place that few things can.  That indignant feeling of "How can this happen," is multiplied many times over when it is a family member.  So are we as Christian's a family?  James was watching and experiencing the killing of his family members to become "Roman candles."  James and his fellow family members watched as Christian's were used for sport.  I'm pretty certain that's going to
prove out as we become more historically correct in understanding this incredible representative of God, but in the meantime, consider that above all of that, because of who Nero was, because of who the powerful government was, Rome, and the laws that were now being bent to allow killing in the name of the state, and to please Caesar, who was now in their minds, God, those who led "The way," were acutely aware that the terror was beyond anyone's ability to explain, but needed to be confronted, there had to be spelled out a way to deal with it, and what would you choose as your source to draw from, were that the case for you?

If your enemy is the best liar of all history- the one who excuses every conceivably evil action that we are capable of, and then, turns upon the one who has done such with his accusatory "You shouldn't
have done that, that's a sin, Jesus won't allow such..."  Trying his hardest to drive a wedge into your relationship of faith to and about Christ- If that is your enemy, how in this time can you take on that fight?  The answer is, you can't, nobody human is capable of such, who is (?)- God.

Here is where James begins to bring such clarity to a centuries old problem for those who love truth, hate lies, and want to make things better- evil, those who practice it, relish it, and love the power it brings to their lie based lives, those ones, they can't stand God, can't stand God's people, and hate wisdom brought into the realm by God through his family.  Don't ever mistake that God doesn't hear your heart when it cries over a friend done wrong- those who do such - 
will come to know that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everything written in James will lead you straight to 1 Peter... I think there you can find all the reasons behind what James prepares us for... IMHO

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